How to Make this Work for You
I want this to course to work for you, so
To maximize your effort it is important to:
- Review each lesson completely when they are released.
- Complete fully every Action Step given for each Module or lesson prior to moving on to the next Module or lesson.
- Commit to implementing and using this system for at LEAST 3 months so that this becomes a habit that will continue to produce results for you!
I wish I had magic fairy dust, but this will require a little time and effort on your part so you have to be committed to working the steps and sticking with it until it is second nature.
Any habit is awkward, time consuming and feels weird at first. But the most you do it the easier and more natural it becomes.
Remember that the future time and effort savings in the future are exponentially greater than what you will have to invest.
When ever you don't think you have the time to do this, keep in mind that you will never get to where you want to go without commiting to change.